Tina’s Story

Tina’s story is a gripping account of grace, forgiveness, and Spirit-led survival.  Listen as she tells you, “I finally found that faith that I was missing… God had a plan for me…to be the voice for the homeless…let me tell you, being homeless is not any fun…it’s cold, it’s hard, it’s dirty, and it’s painful.. nobody wants to be homeless.”  Don’t miss this amazing testimony by a leader in Skagit county, a Christian, an advocate, and a formerly homeless young woman who knew God was whispering, “you were meant for so much more.”

Scripture: Psalm 34:9,10; Jeremiah 1:7-9; Matthew 25:40-45

“Tina’s Story” preached by Tina Tate on March 27th, 2017 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington


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