
Join us every Sabbath!

church Body

Small Group on Wednesdays in the Church lobby. Join us weekly 7pm to 8pm.

Children/youth ministries

Family Sabbath on March 29.

Scavenger Hunt at 10am Children’s Ministry

Handy Andy and FAmily Praise at 11am.

Fimily Potluck at 12.pm

Family Fun Night MArch 29 from 6to 9pm.

Women’s Ministries

Life Recovery – It’s for EVERYONE

How many of us are dealing with this frantic pace of life? Grief? Finances? Relationship Struggles? Stress? Perfectionism? Our group’s mission is to bring the power of Jesus to those hurting, through recovery. In exchange we know that Hope, Security, Clarity, Wisdom, Self-Control, Happiness and so much more are attainable with Life Recovery. Skagit Valley Recovery meets here on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

Skagit Adventist academy

Newsletter: Skagit Adventist Academy Newsletter

SAA’s mission is to: nurture students’ relationship with God, create responsible citizens, and provide excellent academic opportunities. Thank you for your ongoing support of our Academy! Please contact the school office for more opportunities to support (teacher support, school needs, etc): 360-755-9261


The Adventist Book CenterAdventist Book Center Online – Adventist Books, Music and Media

Thank you for being a part of our family, Your MVSDA Church <3