Sermons by Don Bryan

5 Facts Of Faith

Faith is the most important key to unlocking the full purpose and potential of the Christian experience. We will delve into the 5 Prime things that Faith does for the believer.  Scripture: KJV “5 Facts Of Faith” preached by Andre Knight on 2025-Mar-15 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI…


Sermon preached by Pastor Don Bryan on 2025-March-8 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington Anticipated start time is some time after 11:00am CCLI License #1334418

Diversity vs Division

God’s love is for everyone, regardless of race, nation, or background, and we are called to celebrate diversity without letting it divide us. Believers are urged to love their neighbors as themselves, advocate for justice, and recognize that unity in Christ overcomes all differences. Scripture: Luke 10:25-29Deuteronomy 6:4-7Leviticus 19 “Diversity vs Division” preached by Ron…

The Gift Of Presence

What is the greatest gift that you can give to someone ? What is the greatest gift that God has given you ? The Greatest gift that you can give and the greatest gift that God has given you are one and the same.  Scripture: SCRIPTURE Titus 2:111 Peter 5:10Exodus 33:12-17Ephesians 1:6Hebrews 4:16John 1:14-17Hebrews 10:29Acts 20:32Ephesians 3:7Ephesians…

God 3-in-1

With the idea that truth is relative and individually dependent, the world spirals aimlessly. With the denial of scripture as a reliable document for instruction and life balance, comes a generation of imbalance and confusion. As people take up beliefs that Christ was created and there is no trinity, hope becomes lost, confusion reigns and…


Sermon preached by Roger Coon on 2024-Dec-27 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL: