Washington Adventist Camp Meeting 2017

What is Camp Meeting?

Washington Adventist Camp Meeting is a 9-day religious convention of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Participants typically “camp” or reside in motor homes, trailers, tents, or dormitory rooms, or commute from their homes. Religious training is provided for people of all ages from infants to teenagers to young adults to parents to senior citizens. Camp meeting is open to the general public.

For more information please visit the Washington Conference’s Camp Meeting page.

[box]Note: You will see that the videos do not start from the beginning. The video will start when the live streaming begins. The numbers in parentheses is the time when the main speaker begins speaking, if you choose to skip ahead to that part just adjust the play slider to that position.[/box]

6/16/17 Bill Knott (59:30)

6/17/17 Bill Knott (51:30)

6/17/17 Bill Knott Sabbath evening (1:47:30)

6/18/17 Craig Carr (57:15)

6/19/17 Mark Anthony 10:45am (32:10)

6/19/17 Elizabeth Talbot (1:01:00)

6/20/17 Mark Anthony (1:20)

6/20/17 Elizabeth Talbot (49:00)

6/21/17 Mark Anthony (5:40)

6/21/17 Elizabeth Talbot (43:30)

6/22/17 Mark Anthony

6/22/17 Elizabeth Talbot (29:30)

6/23/17 Mark Anthony (8:30)

6/23/17 G. Alexander Bryant (50:50)

6/24/17 Sabbath School

6/24/17 Alex Bryant (55:00)

6/24/17 Shawn Boonstra (1:12:30)

6/24/17 G. Alexander Bryant (1:26:10)