Sermons by Don Bryan (Page 12)

A Word for Jesus

We worship first and foremost by hungering and thirsting after God above all things. And we allow God to serve us, and to breath Himself into the deepest recesses of our hearts. Thus, “in true worship, we experience the presence of God, and it changes us, it shakes us to our core — the foundation of…

Growing in Grace

The Bible calls us to Love. Love God and Love Others. At Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist church we have chosen to make this declaration our mission. But How? How do we grow in Christ to the place that we can authentically Love others?  Peter challenges us to Grow in GRACE. (2 Pt 3:18) How? Through…

Lessons from the Life of Peter

2 Peter 3:10-11 challenges us to consider the time in which we are living and acknowledge that this earthly life will soon pass away. In awareness of this reality the question is postulated by Peter, “What type of lives should we be living?”  Good question.  Does Peter have any experience with this transformative question? Did…

Outrageous Forgiveness

What happens when a person becomes overwhelmed by holiness? What happens when one comes face to face with the Most High God who transcends eternity? — As with those in scripture we will make startling confessions of the pollution of our souls. Join us on Sabbath to experience, meditate and rejoice in the Outrageous Forgiveness…

Christmas Program 2020

We Wish You a Merry Christmas Beginners Welcome & Prayer Pastor Don Away In a Manger Daniel Vargas Silent Night Daniel Vargas A Perfect Gift for Christmas Bella Long Mary’s Boy Child Ashley Nelson The Meaning of Christmas Ashley Nelson O Holy Night Daira Vargas O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Daira Vargas God Rest Ye…

The Silence is Broken!

Between the Old and New Testaments there was over 400 years of silence. All seemed lost. Religion had lost its draw. At just the right time God sent His Son to break the silence. Yet only the humble, the meek, the seekers were the ones who heard the voice of God in the silence. Scripture:…

Starting with the End in Mind

Jesus’ life was the only life lived backwards. He came to die. So in fact he lived in the shadow of the Cross. Scripture: Matthew 1:21; Luke 19:10; Luke 5:32; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 4:14; Luke 22:15-16 “Starting with the End in Mind” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on November 13th, 2020 at the…