Sermons by Don Bryan (Page 12)

Christ’s Method Alone

How did Jesus share the “Good News” of His Kingdom? He mingled with humanity. He sympathized with people, met their needs and won their confidence. In a word, “Relationship”. Jesus came in to relationship with humanity and then invited them to follow Him. We are called to do the same. Join us in person or…

Spiritual Habits

In order to grow and develop, we must learn and sharing our discovery with others. It is the same in Spiritual growth. Spiritual growth happens as we develop “Habits” which are consistently applied to our lives. Habits like… Prayer, Bible Study, Praise, Giving, and Service draw us into deep intimate relationship with Jesus and the…

All Called

So often we the people, leave the work of outreach and evangelism to the paid Pastor, Evangelist, or Bible worker. That however is not Biblical. We tout the “Priesthood” of all believers when it serves our agenda, but when it is time to actually roll up our sleeves and do the work, we make excuses.…

The Christian Walk

Scripture tells us that Jesus walked like the Father. John 14:10-11, Jesus stated that He would not speak anything except what the Father told Him to speak and that He would not do anything except what the Father wanted Him to do. Then He set about showing humanity how to walk like the Father.In 1…

Grace So Amazing

Let us disentangle ourselves from the web of conspiracy theories conjecture, hate and fear-mongering that ensnares us daily. I want to call you to a greater, more ancient reality that infects us moment by moment. Sin has sentenced you and I to death, yet God provided a Vaccine long before the virus of sin existed.…

Who am I?

Who am I? This profound question of identity and meaning has been asked by generation for thousands of years, maybe since the beginning of time. In Ephesians, Paul takes his shot at answering this question, but he adds a qualifier… “In Christ” Join us as we discover who we are, in Christ. Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-13;…

Jesus Loves Me

When was the last time you sang “Jesus loves me”? When was the last time you believed that Jesus actually loves you? Join us as we dive into the reality that Jesus is head over heals in love with each of us. God emptied all Heaven, because of his incredible love for us. Scripture: 1…

God’s Gift

As Christ was about to complete or fulfill the old covenant, He established a New Covenant which we call the Lord’s Supper. This GIFT reminds us that he redeemed us by His blood and set us free to live in Him. We do not have to carry our load of sin. We can leave it…

Sabbath School May 2nd

The Protestant claim of “Scripture alone” (sola Scriptura) elevated Scripture to the sole standard and decisive source for theology. In contrast to Roman Catholic theology, which emphasized Scripture and tradition, the Protestant faith emphasized the keyword “alone”; that is, Scripture alone is the final authority when matters of faith and doctrine are at issue. It…

If My People Pray: Part 2

Personal and corporate revitalization requires nothing less than the creative power of God. As the Paralytic of Luke chapter 5 discovered, Christ’s healing included both the soul and the body. Spiritual healing was followed by physical restoration. The is true for us today. Join us in our journey of discovery this Sabbath. Scripture: 2 Chronicles…