Do I believe that I need to be Holy? Scripture tells us or calls us to Holiness. In fact 1 Peter 1:16 challenges us to be Holy as God is Holy. Wow, called to holiness. How?! How can that happen to me? Why should it happen to me? Join us this Sabbath for a presentation…
Ever wonder what happens when Jesus comes into your life? No really. What happens when Jesus comes into your life and you are filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit? According to scripture when this really, really happens, then… we are changed. We become another person. Join us on Sabbath and check out what the…
God’s Power is Transformative. God’s Word speaks stars in place. This Power and God word together is what keeps us in harmony with God. Jesus’s words are living breathing life forming words and transform one from sinner to saint. Scripture: John 1:1, John 1:4-5, Psalm 33:6, John 8:12, Hebrews 7:25, Matthew 8:5-13, Isaiah 55:10-11, 1…
DESCRIPTION Scripture: SCRIPTURE “The Keeping Power” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on July 28, 2023 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
God is a God of love. He is also the creator God who made us, and redeemed us. He calls us His children. God has promised to parent us forever. Join us as we consider this beautiful reality. Video featured in the sermon can be found below. Scripture: 1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:16, 1…
Join us as we explore the profound message revealed in Scripture, where we discover our privileged status as friends of God. Studying the lives of revered figures such as Moses, Abraham, and David, who were known as “Friends of God,” we will embark on a journey to rediscover the significance of being a Friend of…
God’s Love for you and I is bigger than the cosmos! We are not simply existing on a lonely lost planet floating through space. We are in fact the Apple of His Eye. If God had a refrigerator our pictures would be on it.Join us at MVSDA as we bask in the Love of God.…
Scripture tells us that We can do the works of Jesus and even greater works! Wow, think about it. “Doing the Works of Jesus”! Join us as we explore this Biblical imperative and search for ways to make it a reality in our lives. Scripture: Matthew 5:17, Matthew 22:37-40,Luke 19:10, Luke 4:18-19, John 14:12-13, Romans…
God has been calling His faithful to proclaim an important message since the days of Noah and the great flood. Today is no different. Join us this Saturday in discovering what this closing message is and how it applies to us in our lives today. Through this sermon, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of God’s…
As one looks around at the craziness of the world and applies common sense to their observations, one quickly realizes that something is not right. Then when one glances at scripture or reflects on the memories of what they were told about scripture, one wonders…”Where Are WE” in the grand narrative of Scripture? Can we…