Sermons by Don Bryan (Page 7)

He Leads in Right Pathways

In life, it seems that craziness is all around us. Not only does God promise to provide green pastures and cool waters for us, but He promised to do more. He promised to restore our souls and direct our paths. Join us on this journey as we continue to explore Psalm 23. Scripture: Psalm 23…

He Makes Me Lie Down…

In the 23rd Psalm, we read that the Good Shepherd makes us lie down in green pastures.  Sheep will only lie down if they are not fearful, have no strife in the flock, are not bothered by pests, and are not hungry. The reality is that in order for this to happen the Shepherd must…

I Shall Not Want

Scripture reminds us in the “Shepherd Psalm” that the LORD, or Yahweh, is our caretaker. And because of that truth, we want for nothing. Yet it may go deeper than that. Could it be that with Yahweh as our caretaker, we can be content in whatever situation or circumstance we find ourselves in? Could it…

The Lord is my Shepherd

Are you okay with God Most High being your Shepherd? Are you ok with God in control of your life?  Join us as we explore the 23rd Psalm, beginning with “The Lord is my shepherd.” Scripture: Psalm 23, Colossians 1:15-20, Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 43:2-5, Isaiah 53:6, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Luke 4:18-19, Matthew 10:29-31 “The…


In Proverbs 4:5 David counsels Solomon to Get Wisdom! In Luke 4:8 Jesus tells Satan that we are to worship God only. In John 9:4 Jesus reminds us to work while it is light outside. Today Get Wisdom! Worship deeply! Work passionately! Scripture: Psalm 34:1-3, Psalm 128:1, Proverbs 9:10, 1 Corinthians 1:24, John 15:4-8, Psalm…

Worship and the Little Horn

Daniel declares in the midst of the prophecy that the essential reality is Worship. Daniel, his three friends, Nebuchadnezzar and all the kings and their wisemen, were confronted with worship. Will I be faithful or will I be wanting? In Chapters 7 and 8 a new entity arises, a “Little Horn” that opposes God and…

Salvation in No Other Name!

Many times we humans forget that Salvation is a “GIFT”. We forget that Salvation began in a manger and ended on a cross. Reality however, shows the miserable state of man without Christ. Humanity is vile, deformed, and leprous with sin. Jesus, and only Jesus can rescue us from the penalty of our sinful state.…

Stewardship: Comes from Love

The concept of Stewardship is as old as earth itself. From the ancient past to the present, God asks humanity to Steward His possessions. We often forget that we have this responsibility. Sin makes us think that everything belongs to us. Join us in person or online as we explore the Biblical truth of Stewardship…