Sermons by Kim Bryan

Are You Responding to God’s Touch?

Discover the height and depth and width and breadth of God’s eternal, relentless love for us in this interactive Bible study. Explore what it means to embrace His love, how it can transform our lives, and common obstacles to receiving and accepting it.Join us on this journey of discovery and experience the fullness of God’s…

Considering the Times…

Are you interested in gaining a greater understanding of our place in God’s timeline? Join us for an interactive Bible study as we explore the current state of our world, how we should live in light of this, and then what is expected of us as faithful servants of the Lord. Through insightful discussion and…

Are You Breathing?

We are busy humans, rushing from one thing to the next. Oftentimes we neglect our health, our home, our family all because we have so much on our plates to do. We usually have a good excuse or a plan for “next week when things slow down” at which time we will then get our lives in…

100% Guaranteed

Do you desire to be loved unconditionally? Is your heart longing to be “searched for” or “rescued” out of this dying world?If I could give you a 100% guarantee for “the way of success in the conflict with sin and the development of Christian character” would you be interested?And if you could start living in…

Adjusting Our Perspective

Do we really want to be the “Church of Acts”, sold out to Christ? Or is our perspective getting in the way of our calling?Are we ready to lift up our beautiful Savior no matter what? Or are we too focused on our own opinions and self-preservation Scripture: John 12:32; Acts “Adjusting Our Perspective” preached…

Whose Sheep Are You?

Do you know the Shepard well enough to recognize His voice? Does He know you well enough to recognize you out of every other face in a crowd? Come study the word of God with us to discover what God desires from you and how to distinguish His voice from all the “false shepherds” around…