It was heartwarming. I felt joy,. The stories brought tears to my eyes. The music was amazing. I sang Christmas carols with gusto. Scripture: Matt 1:16-25; Luke 2:1-20 “Christmas Special 2016” performed by Steve Ebsen & Mount Vernon Community Musicians and Children on December 17th, 2016 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount…
Holding the torch high for the sake of truth is an amazing responsibility which carries with it certain risks. Millions of people have given their lives while doing so. We call them martyrs. But for those who remain alive, the task of truth-telling can also be risky. Sometimes, those who tell the truth can become…
What is it like to be poor? Are there any poor in our families, congregation, community? Was Jesus poor? Does one have to be poor to be a faithful Christ-follower? Does poverty have anything to do with redemption? Expect to feel some guilt . . . followed by a profound sense of relief. This teaching…
Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Can you remember what it feels like? What if your “friend” seemed to be cool and compassionate in the eyes of the majority? Our Bible story taken from Luke 22, John 12, and John 13 is about two friends named Jesus and Judas. Were they ever really…