"Mission" Tagged Sermons

Mission Impossible

Our mission at Mount Vernon SDA Church is Impossible.. We feel called to follow Christ’s command to Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself.This mission can only be lived out at Christ live in us. Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40 “Mission Impossible” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on September 25th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day…

Strength Based Church

Ever wonder WHY God would use you to share the Good News? Ever wonder what your gifts are? As we look at scripture we see that God takes us where we are and develops us into His disciples. He starts with our strengths and then add to them other gifts in order to build up…

Davidic Covenant

The covenant promise to David was a new focal point of the Mosaic covenant. From first to last it was a messianic promise and prophecy. When the apostles and other disciples came to understand the Messiah’s mission and Jesus’ fulfillment of that mission, their lives were changed. Ours will be too when our eyes are…

Adventist World Radio

Want to hear some amazing miracle stories from places where only a radio signal can go to share Good New? You’ll enjoy this mission presentation. Scripture: Matthew 24, Matthew 28:16-20 “Adventist World Radio” preached by Mark Threthewey on October 28th, 2017 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington

Missionary Mothers

Where do they have snakes slithering out of kitchen water faucets and mice in the powdered milk? A missionary wife’s kitchen, of course. Who was missing the day Jesus left this earth after telling his disciples that he wanted them all to be missionaries. Where does the the word “martyr” come from. Find out its…