Sermons on Weekly Sermons (Page 30)

Elders 2

A church of 50 needs a minister in order to accomplish the mission God has identified for His Body at this time in earth’s history. How many are needed? (multiple choice: please select the correct answer) half one two based on tithe as many as the conference allows 50 Find out what the Bible says…


Job is called a servant of God. His, is the oldest story in the Bible. He lived an exemplary life. Still he was punished. Jesus was called a servant of God. He lived an exemplary life. Still he was punished. Stephen and Phillip were called deacons, which means “servants.” They lived exemplary lives. Still they…

Life Song

Living an integrated life is something we can learn about from Daniel. Like Daniel, our lives are a reflection of our convictions and commitments. Spend a little time with us as we study Daniel and his journey of faith and living up to his convictions. Scripture: Daniel 1:3-6; Daniel 1:17-20; Proverbs 16:3; Matthew 25; Col.…