Have you ever seen a famous person up close with your own eyes. I’ll tell you about my encounter with a lady in pink. Unforgettable. Peter claimed that he was “an eyewitness of his majesty.” When did that happen? Our Bible study raises many questions. Why did Jesus climb a high mountain with his three best friends. Was he disfigured in need of being transfigured? What did Moses and Elijah bring to the mix? Have you been an eyewitness to a famous person’s riches and glory? Can you make Peter’s claim? Learn from world-famous disfigured persons how to turn ugliness into an asset and become transfigured into royalty.
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16-18
“Eyewitnesses” preached by Pastor John McGhee on December 3rd, 2016 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington