Sermons (Page 12)

True Believers

Everyone has a belief system, including Christians. But many of the things that Christians believe are repeatedly mocked and ridiculed by the secular world. As true believers we must stand firm in our beliefs, regardless of what the world may say or do. Scripture: Matthew 12:40; 2 Timothy 3:16; Ecclesiastes 1:9; Mark 10:6; Matthew 19:4…

Daniel 4: Testimony of a Monarch

Nebuchadnezzar was the monarch of the Golden World Power Babylon and the builder of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. He had a problem with pride and self-worship. Today we all strive to be the king or queen of our own little kingdoms. We all struggle with pride and self-worship. Just like King…

Gotta Get to Jesus

Jesus had compassion on humanity! Over and over again, scripture records that Jesus was moved with compassion and worked on behalf of humanity because of it. People all over the place picked up on that and had to get themselves for others to Jesus. What about you and me? Are we filled with so much…

Who am I?

Do you have an identity crisis? Do you find your identity in work, things, strength, appearance, money, awards? Our true identity is found in Christ.Join us Sabbath to discover who you are, IN Christ. We will work together in groups to explore scripture at discover God’s amazing gift of a complete identity in Him. Scripture:…