"Father" Tagged Sermons

Thirsty? Hungry? Come to Papa!

Have you ever been so thirsty that water was the only thing you could think about? Has hunger ever driven you to your knees? This week we will explore together the nature of spiritual thirst and hunger, what that might feel like, and some possible ways to connect with your Heavenly Father so that your…

The Lord is my Shepherd

Are you okay with God Most High being your Shepherd? Are you ok with God in control of your life?  Join us as we explore the 23rd Psalm, beginning with “The Lord is my shepherd.” Scripture: Psalm 23, Colossians 1:15-20, Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 43:2-5, Isaiah 53:6, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Luke 4:18-19, Matthew 10:29-31 “The…

Doing the Works of Jesus

Jesus has called us to LOVE like Him, WALK like Him and WORK like Him. If we truly receive this injunction and surrender to His plan and receive the Holy Spirit, then all the things we read about Jesus doing, are acts of mercy we will be doing. Not for our fame, but as a…

Christ’s Method Alone

How did Jesus share the “Good News” of His Kingdom? He mingled with humanity. He sympathized with people, met their needs and won their confidence. In a word, “Relationship”. Jesus came in to relationship with humanity and then invited them to follow Him. We are called to do the same. Join us in person or…

Spiritual Habits

In order to grow and develop, we must learn and sharing our discovery with others. It is the same in Spiritual growth. Spiritual growth happens as we develop “Habits” which are consistently applied to our lives. Habits like… Prayer, Bible Study, Praise, Giving, and Service draw us into deep intimate relationship with Jesus and the…

The Word Became Flesh

One of the most endearing stories during the Christmas season is the visit by the 3 kings who were bearing gifts. (Mt. 2). However, the more powerful story is the one about the gifts that Jesus brought to man. Those gifts included the forgiveness of our sins and setting man right with God (justification), God…