He Loves me, He Love me not. Ever feel like your walk with God is like pulling Daisy Petals from the flower hoping and praying that the last petal is… He Loves me? From the Bible we learn that we do not have to depend upon a flower to forecast out faith/love journey with Jesus.…
Since the garden, God has been on a search and rescue mission. He constantly searches for lost people (i.e. sheep). Yet He yearns to search deep within our hearts to rewire, recalibrate, reengineer us. Will you join with the HERO’s of scripture and allow God access to your heart? Scripture: Psalm 139:23-24 “The Search is…
Ever been hungry? Really hungry? So hungry that a simple piece of bread and a glass of water satisfies? Bread and water, bread and wine are used as symbols of Jesus’ body and blood. Used to remind us of His sacrifice on our behalf. In John 6, Jesus invites His followers to eat His body…
Prayer is a very powerful weapon, unfortunately, many Christians neglect it. The prayer life of Jesus should be the example that we as Christians should follow. Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 21:22, Mark 1:35, Matthew 18:19, Luke 9:28, Matthew 26:26, Matthew 10: 32-33, Matthew 11:25, Luke 6: 12-13, John 17:9, Matthew 6:8, Ephesians 6:12, 1 Peter…
The Gospel Story is the “Scarlet Thread” that runs through the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation the idea that God will/is/or has redeemed humanity is central to the narrative. Join us as we pray, worship and celebrate the good news of the Gospel Scripture: Matthew 24:14, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 6-8, Genesis 12:3, John 3:16, Genesis…
Take a look at the Nativity… What do you see? Mary, baby Jesus, donkey, sheep, shepherds, hay, Wisemen. Do you see anything else? In the corner to the side of Mary. Do you see “Him?” So often we run past Joseph on our way to the manger. He is all too often forgotten in the…
Join us as Aubrey Fautheree and Skagit Adventist Academy students share “Just a Glimpse” into how God has been at work in our lives. “Just a Glimpse” preached by Aubrey Fautheree on November 6th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
Jesus was often accused of being a “Party Animal”! Really, the religious leaders thought he should fast and pray like them and Jesus wanted to be in relationship with the ones He came to save. Many times Jesus used dinners and feasts as metaphors for His kingdom. At the end of the book, Jesus invites…
Have you ever been Hemmed by “blindness”? –Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Theological blindness? How about being hemmed in by greed, prejudice, and hopelessness? In the story of Jesus at Jericho as he makes his way to Jerusalem, we see Jesus breaking down these walls and restoring individuals to the family of God. Join us as we…
“When Jesus stepped on the stage of the world He announced His purpose, He came to Heal the broken hearted and to set the captives free and to bring the all who believe in Him together as One…He went to the cross to accomplish this…but sinister forces share a common purpose…if you find yourself getting…