How did Jesus share the “Good News” of His Kingdom? He mingled with humanity. He sympathized with people, met their needs and won their confidence. In a word, “Relationship”. Jesus came in to relationship with humanity and then invited them to follow Him. We are called to do the same. Join us in person or…
So often we the people, leave the work of outreach and evangelism to the paid Pastor, Evangelist, or Bible worker. That however is not Biblical. We tout the “Priesthood” of all believers when it serves our agenda, but when it is time to actually roll up our sleeves and do the work, we make excuses.…
When was the last time you sang “Jesus loves me”? When was the last time you believed that Jesus actually loves you? Join us as we dive into the reality that Jesus is head over heals in love with each of us. God emptied all Heaven, because of his incredible love for us. Scripture: 1…
Love is Messy. So how do we remain or become a loving human being? The Bible has a lot to say about love. It’s my heart’s desire (get it?), that we utilize the tools and knowledge we have been given to become the best loving version of ourselves that God created us to be. Won’t…
1 John 4:16 declares that God is Love. The very essence of who God is, is Love. Jesus came to show us the Father. To show us God’s Love for humanity. He demonstrated this incredible love by going to the cross on our behalf. When we talk about Amazing Grace, we should all kneel in…
One of the most endearing stories during the Christmas season is the visit by the 3 kings who were bearing gifts. (Mt. 2). However, the more powerful story is the one about the gifts that Jesus brought to man. Those gifts included the forgiveness of our sins and setting man right with God (justification), God…
“Christmas Program 2019” preached by the Church Family on December 14th, 2019 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
There is a case to be made for greed from a biological, political, psychological, and parental perspective. I will try to make that case based on Matthew’s story of another rich young man. But there are always two sides to a case. The Bible makes the case that breaking the 10th commandment may be our…
“Why did I say that? Why did I do that? I’m glad no one can read my mind!” We often try to ignore or hide the part of us that is dark, unkind and sinful. We struggle with the purpose of shame and guilt. Our busy lives keep us from sitting with our guilt to…
The “butterfly effect” is the theory that small causes can have large effects. A butterfly flaps its wings, and the result of just the slightest shift in the air, can cause a tornado several countries over. Based on the mathematical chaos theory, those two incidents seem quite extreme to be related. But like the ripple…