Sermons (Page 7)

True Education

Today it seems that “Education” is anything but–Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.  It appears that our Nation’s schools have become an indoctrination center. Even some private schools struggle with remaining true to foundational education principals. However, let us get real.  True Education, Education that will last for eternity is focused on God. God is the source…

Following God’s Word

Often times we look at scripture as God’s law. Which it is! However, it may be helpful to see the law as God’s Word.  John states that Jesus is the Word, so if we see the law as Jesus does that change how we deal with it.  Furthermore, God (Jesus) is love. Could God’s Law…

Heavenly Citizenship: A “Backwards Design” Approach to Salvation

Heavenly Citizenship: A “Backwards Design” Approach to Salvation Scripture: (NKJV) Exodus 20:1-17; 2 Peter 1:1-10; 2 Corinthians 3:18.Reflecting Christ – Changed Into His Image (January 6, pg. 20),Philippians 2:12-13 What are the people that make it to heaven going to be like? Is ourloving Jesus, at His advent, simply going wave His hand and change ourcharacters, or could it be that we have a bigger part to play in oursalvation than we think? Join us as we apply a “Backwards Design”approach to salvation, in an attempt to rekindle our commitment tomanifesting God’s transformative power in our lives. “Heavenly Citizenship: A “Backwards Design” Approach to Salvation” preached by Daniel Peña on 2023-Sept-30 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington

The Lord’s Day

We will discover that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath and upholds all creation by the word of His power. Therefore the Sabbath is the “Lord’s Day” and a memorial to the Sabbath.  Yet if we dig deeper we learn that the same power that created all things and upholds all things is the same…

Thirsty? Hungry? Come to Papa!

Have you ever been so thirsty that water was the only thing you could think about? Has hunger ever driven you to your knees? This week we will explore together the nature of spiritual thirst and hunger, what that might feel like, and some possible ways to connect with your Heavenly Father so that your…

Righteousness By Faith

Do I believe that I need to be Holy? Scripture tells us or calls us to Holiness. In fact 1 Peter 1:16 challenges us to be Holy as God is Holy. Wow, called to holiness.  How?! How can that happen to me?  Why should it happen to me?  Join us this Sabbath for a presentation…

Another Man — End Time Living

Ever wonder what happens when Jesus comes into your life?  No really. What happens when Jesus comes into your life and you are filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit?  According to scripture when this really, really happens, then… we are changed. We become another person.   Join us on Sabbath and check out what the…

Mary’s Worship Service

Mary’s Worship Service Scripture: John 15:5,7; Reference to Jacob Genesis 32; Joel 2:28; Luke 8:46; John 7:38; Mt 26:6-13; Rev 14:6; Ps 46:10, 149:3, 103:1 “Mary’s Worship Service” preached by Randy Salt on 2013-Aug-8 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington