Sermons by Don Bryan (Page 3)


2024-Oct-12 on 2024-Oct-12 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:


Skagit Adventist Academy Praise Band 2024-October @ MVSDA Sermon preached by David Yeagley on 2024-Oct-5 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington. Service starts approximately 11am. CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:

Messages from Heaven

Last week we looked at some of the Nuts and Bolts of the Three Angels Messages in Revelation 14.  This week we want to explore the practical aspect of these messages. Who gives them? How are they given? and what is the result or outcome of these messages. Scripture: Revelation 14, John 3:16, Romans 3:23.…


“2024-Sept-21” preached by Roger Coon on 2024-Sept-21 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington YouTube Part 1: Part 2: License #1334418Facebook Event URL:

The Mark Vs. The Seal

Keywords/Tags: Love, Mercy, Grace, Longsuffering, forgiveness, Character, Beast, Mark, Seal, Scripture talks about The Seal and God and the Mark of the Beast. These are apocalyptic terms used to describe the last two groups of people alive at the coming of Christ.  The understanding of what these might actually be have range from computer chips to…


DESCRIPTION Scripture: SCRIPTURE “2024-Sept-7” preached by Roger Coon on 2024-Sept-7 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:


2024-Aug-31 2024-Aug-31 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL: