Sermons by Don Bryan (Page 9)

Praying for Rain Part 3

Desperate times calls for Focused Prayers.  In part one we talked about Spiritual Drought causing Actual Drought in Israel.  We can learn much from the story of Elijah, the three years of no rain in Israel, and the battle on Mount Carmel.  Most of all we need to learn that we need to restore the…

Praying for Rain Part 2

Desperate times calls for Focused Prayers.  In part one we talked about Spiritual Drought causing Actual Drought in Israel.  We can learn much from the story of Elijah, the three years of no rain in Israel, and the battle on Mount Carmel.  Most of all we need to learn that we need to restore the…

Praying for Rain

In a time of constant violence, uncertainty, crazy inflation, identity politics, it can seem as if the world is in a drought. In all areas of life, especially spiritually. It would appear that the story of Elijah in 1 Kings is an applicable parallel to what is happening now. So the question is… Is it…

You Are…

There are two “You Are” statements in Matthew. They are echoed in Mark and Luke. These two statements speak to our Identity and our Mission. Jesus said, You Are the Salt and You Are the Light. Here is our call to add flavor and healing to our community while showing the way out of darkness.…

Designed to Prosper

In a world where prosperity is defined by possessions and prestige, perhaps its time to look at prosperity from God’s vantage point? Scripture clearly promises prosperity and surety. Yet this reality is achieved through service and love, mercy and peace. Join us as we consider what it means to prosper is God’s economy. Scripture: 3…

Daisy-Petal Christianity

He Loves me, He Love me not. Ever feel like your walk with God is like pulling Daisy Petals from the flower hoping and praying that the last petal is… He Loves me? From the Bible we learn that we do not have to depend upon a flower to forecast out faith/love journey with Jesus.…

The Search is On

Since the garden, God has been on a search and rescue mission. He constantly searches for lost people (i.e. sheep). Yet He yearns to search deep within our hearts to rewire, recalibrate, reengineer us. Will you join with the HERO’s of scripture and allow God access to your heart? Scripture: Psalm 139:23-24 “The Search is…