Sermons by Tyler Long

Wonder Woman

The Bible speaks on motherhood with profound reverence and admiration, portraying mothers as pillars of strength, wisdom, and unconditional love within families and society. From the nurturing guidance of figures like Eve, the first mother, to the unwavering faith of Sarah, the courage of Jochebed, and the sacrificial love of Mary, the mother of Jesus,…

How to Overcome Worry

What do you worry about the most? In a recent survey, Americans reported that their top worry was money. When you consider what we are paying for gas and groceries, there is little doubt that worrying about money is a reality. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spent a lot of time talking about…

Running the Race of LIFE

When we look at other people who have what we want, we tend to think they were lucky or don’t like them. Or both. Most of the time, the people were not lucky, but they lived their life with consistency. Look at almost any type of successful person; you find that success leaves clues. Successful…

The Best is Yet to Come

What is Heaven really like? Does it even exist, and if so, what is it like there? This is a question that many Christians and non-Christians are wondering. Yet even in Christianity, there are varying opinions on this place called heaven. Some people don’t believe in heaven or say that there are three heavens or even seven…

The Unpardonable Sin

What is the one sin that God cannot forgive? I have met people who have committed terrible sins and they think that they have committed the unpardonable sin. Is the unpardonable sin murder? Maybe it’s adultery? Some believe the unpardonable sin is cursing the name of Jesus. What we will see from the Bible is…

Letting Go

One of the hardest things that any of us can ever learn in life is how to forgive someone who has wronged us. For some of us, we have been carrying around the weight of something that happened years, maybe even decades, ago. It is time to overcome that major hurdle and learn the gift…

Almost Thou Persuadest Me

Everyone has a story to share. God’s transforming work in the lives of individuals is the most compelling evidence of His existence.  A life that is melted and molded under the influence of the Holy Spirit is an evangelistic sermon all on its own. Get ready to share your story, your testimony.  Scripture: John 4:39;…

Leading Through a Crisis

Life is really a big cycle. You are born, you grow up, most people mature, you end up aging, and then one day you die. Organizations and churches also go through a similar cycle. One day you are on top, and the next day you are in decline facing the dreaded death cycle. There are…