"church" Tagged Sermons (Page 7)

Life Song

Living an integrated life is something we can learn about from Daniel. Like Daniel, our lives are a reflection of our convictions and commitments. Spend a little time with us as we study Daniel and his journey of faith and living up to his convictions. Scripture: Daniel 1:3-6; Daniel 1:17-20; Proverbs 16:3; Matthew 25; Col.…

Worship Through Prayer

The first angel’s message, found in Rev. 14:6, admonishes us to Worship Him, our Creator! Jesus reminds us that where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. (Matt. 6:21) Worship is central in everything we do, say, think, and feel. Our greatest treasure, the focus of our worship, is reflected in our music,…

Young Sabbath Keepers

This is not an exhaustive lesson on the Sabbath. This is a truth in my life giving testimony to a closer walk with Jesus. Scripture: Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 16:26, Exodus 20:10-11, Exodus 31:17, Mark 2:27, Matthew 12:1-8, Mark 3:4 “Young Sabbath Keepers” preached by Elder Mark Everett on May 26th, 2018 at the Mount Vernon…


Of all the enemies threatening human beings, death is the worst because it is the last and final enemy.  Graveyards are the final resting places where Dr. Death hangs victory wreaths.  But I know a Super-hero who is Dr. death’s worst nightmare. He is a grave-robber.  He robs only some of the graves.  Could it…

Building Blocks

Genesis is the beginning of the creation and John 1 confirms the beginning is Jesus work. This sermon is about the beginning of the small band of people who received the promise of the Holy Spirit and many thousands came to believe and follow together the wonderful life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The…