Suppose you were starting life all over. You are old enough to know right from wrong. You are old enough to learn, old enough to love, old enough to really live. If you ask Jesus how to make the rest of your life the best of your life, What do you think He would say?…
What IS Integrity? Integrity is a wholeness, where the outside matches the inside, and is intact. What does integrity look like today? How do we live that out? Take some time with us today and explore the meaning of integrity, with biblical examples of lives of integrity; to learn what it takes to become “undone”…
Two elephants are locked in a life and death struggle for survival. Two world powers are locked in a life and death struggle for survival. Two churches are locked in a life and death struggle for survival. Will they both win? Will they both lose? Will one win and the other lose? Scripture: Acts 2:1-47…
Open a letter addressed to you. Inside is a concise description of who a Seventh Day Adventist is. This message is inspired to share our core value of identity. Your invited to allow Jesus Christ to put on a robe of great wealth that shows who’s corner you identify with and gives the privilege to…
In today’s world we constantly see people in need. Some are struggling with homelessness, others with abuse and neglect, others with addictions, and still others who don’t fit into our ideal world. Do we take the time to stop to help them in their time of need? Do we provide comfort, shelter and even financial…
Hungry for God? Thirsty for Living Water? Do you find yourself craving junk food? Do you reach for soda to quench your thirst? Do you long for a more satisfying life? Perhaps you are hungry and thirsty for God! Perhaps the outpouring of the Holy Spirit starts with this hunger and thirst. If you find…
God made a plan before man was created. The 3 most powerful beings in the cosmos agreed that should man fall, no price was too great to save him. That plan resulted in Christ’s death and will be completed when Jesus returns to take His people home to live with Him. The Mt. Vernon SDA…
This is my first opportunity to share what Jesus Christ means to me in front of a congregation. I do love to teach and have some experience doing so. And I do love my Lord. Pastor McGhee told me I would be speaking to brothers and sisters in a “safe” environment. So I look forward…
Ron Everett led an engaging discussion and review of this years camp meeting. “Reflections on Camp Meeting” preached by Ron Everett on July 8th, 2017 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
Jesus described a man preparing for a traditional American retirement. Then He called the man a fool. What choices, in that moment of retirement, would Jesus have commended? Here is another version of the question. Fill in the blank. Luke 12:16 VHQ Very Hard Questions Version Luke 12:16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of…