In a world where prosperity is defined by possessions and prestige, perhaps its time to look at prosperity from God’s vantage point? Scripture clearly promises prosperity and surety. Yet this reality is achieved through service and love, mercy and peace. Join us as we consider what it means to prosper is God’s economy. Scripture: 3…
He Loves me, He Love me not. Ever feel like your walk with God is like pulling Daisy Petals from the flower hoping and praying that the last petal is… He Loves me? From the Bible we learn that we do not have to depend upon a flower to forecast out faith/love journey with Jesus.…
Since the garden, God has been on a search and rescue mission. He constantly searches for lost people (i.e. sheep). Yet He yearns to search deep within our hearts to rewire, recalibrate, reengineer us. Will you join with the HERO’s of scripture and allow God access to your heart? Scripture: Psalm 139:23-24 “The Search is…
Have you ever wondered what happens when you pray? Do you feel like your prayers simply bounce off the ceiling and return empty? Join us for an enlightening presentation on what happens when we pray. It’s very amazing! Scripture: Ephesians 6:18, Revelation 4, 1 Corinthians 6:19, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20, Luke 22:31-32, Genesis…
Question: Is God your friend? Question: Are you God’s friend? Two Questions, two answers, two realities, one outcome. Join us as we lean into this discussion. Scripture: John 15:15, Exodus 33:8-11, Numbers 12:7-8, James 2:23, Isaiah 41:8 “Me? A Friend of God?!” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on March 26th, 2022 at the Mount Vernon…
Does it really matter how a person shares the “Good News”? Can’t I just throw down the message of Christ any old way and that is good enough? Or would it be better to mingle with people as a friend and share the “Good News” with joy, as if I am really changed by it?…
Ever been hungry? Really hungry? So hungry that a simple piece of bread and a glass of water satisfies? Bread and water, bread and wine are used as symbols of Jesus’ body and blood. Used to remind us of His sacrifice on our behalf. In John 6, Jesus invites His followers to eat His body…
In Luke 14, Jesus is at a Sabbath dinner with a ruler of the Pharisees. In this context Jesus challenges them to reach out the marginalized of their community and serve them. Invite them into the Kingdom of God. We are challenged to do the same here in Mount Vernon in 2022. Let us get…
If you stop and think about it, the Gospel, the Good News is that God came to save humanity, the humanity that He formed… Formed in His image. God came to save His image. Scripture: John 3:16; Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 2:7 “Gospel in the Mud” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on February 12th, 2022 at…
This is a kids Sabbath program. A church service put on entirely by the kiddos at Mount Vernon SDA. Tune in to hear our children sing, read and shout praise to our God & King. Scripture: Isaiah 41:10; Proverbs 2: 6-11 “Unity” preached by the Children of MVSDA on January 29th, 2022 at the Mount…