Sermons on Weekly Sermons (Page 11)

Salvation in No Other Name!

Many times we humans forget that Salvation is a “GIFT”. We forget that Salvation began in a manger and ended on a cross. Reality however, shows the miserable state of man without Christ. Humanity is vile, deformed, and leprous with sin. Jesus, and only Jesus can rescue us from the penalty of our sinful state.…

Stewardship: Comes from Love

The concept of Stewardship is as old as earth itself. From the ancient past to the present, God asks humanity to Steward His possessions. We often forget that we have this responsibility. Sin makes us think that everything belongs to us. Join us in person or online as we explore the Biblical truth of Stewardship…

True Believers

Everyone has a belief system, including Christians. But many of the things that Christians believe are repeatedly mocked and ridiculed by the secular world. As true believers we must stand firm in our beliefs, regardless of what the world may say or do. Scripture: Matthew 12:40; 2 Timothy 3:16; Ecclesiastes 1:9; Mark 10:6; Matthew 19:4…