Our mission at Mount Vernon SDA Church is Impossible.. We feel called to follow Christ’s command to Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself.This mission can only be lived out at Christ live in us. Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40 “Mission Impossible” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on September 25th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day…
Caemos en la tentación, sabiendo de que es algo malo y peligroso, y después de haber caído, con sentimientos de culpa, nos preguntamos ¿ Cómo pude hacer haber caído de esta manera?Toda tentación tiene un precio que pagar, el tentador nos tienta en lo secreto y nos vergüenza en publico¿Cómo reconocer las trampas del tentador?…
Friends, as we conclude this foray into the idea that Jesus is THE PROMISE coming down the DUSTY ROADS of our lives, and as we have seen it illustrated in the lives of those who lived and were impacted by Jesus, we must not forget the ultimate DUSTY ROAD of human existence. The Message of…
Let’s unpack the James 4:7-10 passage to determine the steps to true repentance that we can only find in Jesus Christ. It is only through His power and strength that we can be victorious. Scripture: James 4:7-10 “U-Turn” preached by Roger Coon on September 4th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount…
Have you ever been Hemmed by “blindness”? –Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Theological blindness? How about being hemmed in by greed, prejudice, and hopelessness? In the story of Jesus at Jericho as he makes his way to Jerusalem, we see Jesus breaking down these walls and restoring individuals to the family of God. Join us as we…
Do we really want to be the “Church of Acts”, sold out to Christ? Or is our perspective getting in the way of our calling?Are we ready to lift up our beautiful Savior no matter what? Or are we too focused on our own opinions and self-preservation Scripture: John 12:32; Acts “Adjusting Our Perspective” preached…
“When Jesus stepped on the stage of the world He announced His purpose, He came to Heal the broken hearted and to set the captives free and to bring the all who believe in Him together as One…He went to the cross to accomplish this…but sinister forces share a common purpose…if you find yourself getting…
King David, shepherd, warrior and faithful servant of God one evening took a stroll and fell on the roof of his palace. But, did he fall unexpectedly or were there signs that something was missing in his relationship with God? As Christians, we have all likely seen our relationship with our God at some times…
Jesus is a “Promise” from the Father. He came and continues to be God With Us! He desires to journey to dusty roads of our lives and provide hope in moments of despair. the Light in the darkness, the warm hug, the listening hear, the healer. Jesus is the Promise coming down the dusty road.…
Right now we are on the wrong side of the door. But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the rumor that it will not always be so. One day, we will get in! The term will be over and the Holidays will have begun! -C.S. Lewis Scripture: Isaiah 51:6, Matthew 24:37-39;…