Our Pursuing Father

From Genesis to Revelation a picture emerges that is both compelling and astonishing. The Creator of the Universe is also our Father. Our Father never gives up! He will not stop pursuing us, his children, even if we hate him and nail him to a cross. When we walked away, he drew closer. When we hid in fear, he called to us. When we felt ashamed, he covered us. When we rejected him, he became one of us. When we murdered him, he forgave us! Our Father has worked tirelessly to bridge the gap that we created when we first tasted the forbidden fruit. What does he want from us? What is the goal of his endless efforts? Walk with me on a journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Discover the amazing purposes of our Father/Creator as he works tirelessly to draw us back to himself. Catch a breathtaking glimpse of the part we, his body, can play in the work of reconciliation, as we grow closer to him and to each other in intimate harmony.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

“Our Pursuing Father” preached by Elder Arlene Salt on January 27th, 2018 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington


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