Sermons (Page 16)

Highway and Hedges

In Luke 14, Jesus is at a Sabbath dinner with a ruler of the Pharisees. In this context Jesus challenges them to reach out the marginalized of their community and serve them. Invite them into the Kingdom of God. We are challenged to do the same here in Mount Vernon in 2022. Let us get…

Gospel in the Mud

If you stop and think about it, the Gospel, the Good News is that God came to save humanity, the humanity that He formed… Formed in His image. God came to save His image. Scripture: John 3:16; Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 2:7 “Gospel in the Mud” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on February 12th, 2022 at…

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is a very powerful weapon, unfortunately, many Christians neglect it. The prayer life of Jesus should be the example that we as Christians should follow. Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 21:22, Mark 1:35, Matthew 18:19, Luke 9:28, Matthew 26:26, Matthew 10: 32-33, Matthew 11:25, Luke 6: 12-13, John 17:9, Matthew 6:8, Ephesians 6:12, 1 Peter…


This is a kids Sabbath program. A church service put on entirely by the kiddos at Mount Vernon SDA. Tune in to hear our children sing, read and shout praise to our God & King. Scripture: Isaiah 41:10; Proverbs 2: 6-11 “Unity” preached by the Children of MVSDA on January 29th, 2022 at the Mount…

Paying Greater Attention

Drifting is a nautical term that describes a boat being drawn off course by a current. While piloting a ship, the skipper must take care to compensate for the effects of current by adjusting his course and speed in order to arrive safely at the rendezvous point and avoid being dashed against the rocks along…

The Gospel – Part 1

The Gospel – The Good News of scripture is that Jesus came down to live among us, die in our place on the Cross, was in the grave three days and then rose to new life, gaining the victory over sin for all people. He then ascended to the Father and has promised to come…