Sermons (Page 5)

The Great Commission

Time is short, Ultimate Mission is following God’s call in the great commission. We all need to do our part. We are all Called to Go… Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV) “The Great Commission” preached by Rochelle Christensen: Ultimate Mission on 2024-Apr-13 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook…


DESCRIPTION Scripture: SCRIPTURE “2024-April-5” preached by PERSON on 2024-MMM-DD at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington 2024-April-6CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:

Jesus Vindicated

The resurrection is a historical earth shattering event! But here in 2024, some if not many wonder, “Did it really happen? Can it be verified?” Paul in 1 Corinthians states that if the resurrection did not happen, Christians would need to be most pitied. They would be living a lie.  This Sabbath as we celebrate…

Daryl Trowbridge, Ventriloquist Storyteller (2024 March)

Daryl Trowbridge, Ventriloquist Storyteller (2024 March) “Daryl Trowbridge, Ventriloquist Storyteller (2024 March)” service featuring Daryl Trowbridge, Ventriloquist Storyteller on 2024-March-23 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:


DESCRIPTION Scripture: SCRIPTURE “2024-Mar-16” preached by PERSON on 2024-Mar-16 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:


2024-Mar-9 Scripture: SCRIPTURE “2024-Mar-9” preached by Roger Coon on 2024-Mar-9 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418 YouTube: J7bkmp9WGI0Facebook Event URL:


2024-March-2 Scripture: SCRIPTURE “SERMON” preached by PERSON on 2024-March-2 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:

The Content of Our Character

In this sermon, we delve into the timeless wisdom encapsulated in Martin Luther King Jr.’s powerful statement on judging individuals by “the content of their character.” Drawing parallels with the character of Jesus, we explore the significance of character in our lives and communities. Rooted in biblical teachings, we reflect on the virtues and moral…

Fear is a Liar

Do you ever feel like life is overwhelming?  Fear grips you at every turn and life is more of a pothole than a meadow?  Jesus says come unto me and I will give you rest. Fear comes from the enemy of souls. Rest, Peace, come from the Savior of souls.  Join us as we explore…