"Jesus Christ" Tagged Sermons (Page 10)

True Riches

Jesus described a man preparing for a traditional American retirement. Then He called the man a fool. What choices, in that moment of retirement, would Jesus have commended? Here is another version of the question. Fill in the blank. Luke 12:16 VHQ Very Hard Questions Version Luke 12:16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of…

Unlikely Heroism

Moviegoers for the first time are learning something about Seventh-day Adventists. They are learning that Adventists refuse to kill. So Perhaps its time we review our position. Conscientious objection has typically been the Adventist position. This approach comes in between pacifism and full participation. Adventists have always considered this to be a matter of personal…

Father Abraham’s Sons

Muslims, Jews, and Christians have a legitimate claim to be Father Abraham’s sons and daughters. While it is a wonderful blessing to hold common genes and traditions with Father Abraham, it is a spiritual life of faith, submission, and action which qualifies us to claim that we are Father Abraham’s sons and daughters. The Arabic…

It’s All Good

The Bible identifies three kinds of groaning which makes audible the inner sounds of pain. Did you know that underneath the skyscrapers of Seattle, the tectonic plates are groaning? According to my sources, there were 18 earthquakes in the greater Seattle area during a recent 7-day period. The human race is also groaning with hunger,…


Love hopes all things. Love carries a vision for the excellent future of the loved one is being invited into. Sometimes the best gift we can give is to carry hope with those whose hope is failing Video mentioned in the sermon: Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:7 “Hope” preached by Randy Salt on April 15th, 2017…