Sermons on Weekly Sermons (Page 23)

God’s Gift

As Christ was about to complete or fulfill the old covenant, He established a New Covenant which we call the Lord’s Supper. This GIFT reminds us that he redeemed us by His blood and set us free to live in Him. We do not have to carry our load of sin. We can leave it…

If My People Pray: Part 2

Personal and corporate revitalization requires nothing less than the creative power of God. As the Paralytic of Luke chapter 5 discovered, Christ’s healing included both the soul and the body. Spiritual healing was followed by physical restoration. The is true for us today. Join us in our journey of discovery this Sabbath. Scripture: 2 Chronicles…

If My People Pray – Part 1

Where does one begin when considering personal and Corporate revival? Scripture tells us to start with Prayer. Join us as we look into the importance of coming to Jesus in Prayer. Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My People Pray – Part 1” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on April 18th, 2020 at the Mount Vernon…

It’s Friday And Sundays a-comin

Have you ever thought of the central theme of the 1st century Apostles? Has the Easter story lost it’s luster? After 1989 Easters can we once again place the Life, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Savior Central to our life, work, church and community? Come and see. Remember it is only Friday, Sunday is…

Adventist World Radio

Please visit us at Our Mission AWR broadcasts the Advent hope in Christ through the most effective media to the people of the world in their own languages. Radio overcomes the barriers of government restrictions, cultural opposition, illiteracy, and geography. Broadcast Media We use shortwave radio, national radio networks, local FM stations, on demand,…

Daniel’s Walk with God

When we think about the book of Daniel, we usually think about prophecy and more specifically, apocalyptic prophecy. There is another aspect of Daniel’s book that is often overlooked, that being Daniel’s walk with God. Daniel’s book was written during a time of significant troubles for God’s people. Yet Daniel remained faithful and experienced an…

How Does Jesus…

Uncertain times like these are great opportunities to look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. With Jesus comes the peace and friendship that gives healing and strength to live. I know, because Jesus has been a true friend to me and I can count on Him no matter what! Scripture: Luke 4:16,…

Keep Looking at your Friend

Is the world around you confusing, frustrating and hopeless? Look to Jesus! Has the stress of a world out of control clouded your mind? Look to Jesus! Jesus said, “Look to me. I am your Friend” As we keep our eye, our focus on our Friend Jesus, He fills us with hope, peace and comfort.…

Looking to the Cross

Forgiveness of sins is a gift through Christ’s death that we do not deserve. With this forgiveness comes work which we must do–repentance. Repentance is not easy. If repentance is genuine it involves a change in the life of sin we have led, confession and restitution. Only through the grace of Christ can it be…