Sermons on Weekly Sermons (Page 38)

Tina’s Story

Tina’s story is a gripping account of grace, forgiveness, and Spirit-led survival.  Listen as she tells you, “I finally found that faith that I was missing… God had a plan for me…to be the voice for the homeless…let me tell you, being homeless is not any fun…it’s cold, it’s hard, it’s dirty, and it’s painful..…

What Teens Need

Do you have GT?  Physical GT is very rare disease affecting two out of a hundred people.  Scientists are not certain about how it is caused.  While preparing for this sermon, I diagnosed myself. Our Bible study  shows that spiritual GT is very common.  Could you have it?  Is there a remedy? Be assured, God…

Teen Survival School

There is an avalanche threatening a collapse of 60 million homes in the United States of America. When it hits, how will our teens survive? I’m talking about 10 adverse childhood experiences which are destroying teenagers: Emotional abuse Physical abuse Sexual abuse Mother treated violently Household substance abuse Mental illness in household Parental separation or…


Suppose you were getting a divorce and selecting a lawyer to support your case. If you chose God, one of you would receive the better defense. Which one? The husband or the wife? Join me in a study of divorce. Find out why God designed it, on one hand, and declares, on the other, “I…

Singled Out to Serve

This sermon is dedicated to 190 million residents of the USA.  They include children, young adults, divorcees, widows, widowers, and unmarried adults – in short singles.  Is it true that 62% of our population are incomplete, perhaps even 2nd class social misfits, because they are not married?  Ill never forget the day I was accosted…

Father Knows Best

What kind of father revives broken children & restores broken relationships? DAD RISKED his reputation over his wild child; DAD LET his wild child face consequences of his own decisions; DAD LONGED for a restored relationship with his wild child; DAD LAVISHED gracious forgiveness on his wild child; DAD CELEBRATED the restored relationship with his…

Mother’s Hearts

Motherhood was the highest honor a woman could have in biblical culture. We will be considering a brief overview of the women who miraculously became mothers in the biblical narrative, some after years of  longing, pleading, clinging faith. Did the miracle of birth transform the way these women approached motherhood? Was their connection to their…