Our compassionate, gentle Shepherd, Jesus invites us to be with Him every day; to dwell in His presence all the time, as the sheep spend all their time with their shepherd. Join Rozella as she shares the ways that Jesus, the compassionate, gentle Shepherd, has guided her in her life to compassion for others. Learn…
What is it like to be poor? Are there any poor in our families, congregation, community? Was Jesus poor? Does one have to be poor to be a faithful Christ-follower? Does poverty have anything to do with redemption? Expect to feel some guilt . . . followed by a profound sense of relief. This teaching…
The unending compassion of our Heavenly Father is fueled by a radical love that embraces us no matter what we do, say, or think. He gives us complete freedom to respond to His love, or not. His whole being is focused on a single minded longing to draw each of us close to His heart.…
Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Can you remember what it feels like? What if your “friend” seemed to be cool and compassionate in the eyes of the majority? Our Bible story taken from Luke 22, John 12, and John 13 is about two friends named Jesus and Judas. Were they ever really…
Have you ever eaten cake with the Lord? Do you know where the world’s most significant battle ground is located? What does the Hebrew word “chayah” mean? Find out how you can start a genuine revival. In what way are you like a snow leopard? Did Jesus die during Passover or Easter? How many years…
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Exodus 14:14, 1 Samuel 2:2, James 5:14,15, Matthew 10:19, Romans 5:5, 6:6, 6:11, John 5:24, 12:32, Galatians 2:20, 2nd Corinthians 5:20,21 What is more fervent than a mother’s prayer? A mother’s prayers can be raw, full of emotion and sense of urgency. They can also be a beautiful song. But what…
Scripture: Psalm 30:1-12 Do you spend $25,000 a year for health care? Could healing prayers bring the price down? See if Mary’s miracle baby, John’s dark story, and David’s pop song can convince you? We don’t know if David was young or old, rich or poor, slim or stout, winning or losing when he wrote…
Scripture: Mark 10:13-16; Matt 18:1-6; Exodus 34:5-7 Delightful examples of children’s prayer’s. What is the value of a child in the eyes of Jesus? What is the value of Jesus? “Children’s Prayers” by Elder Mark Everett preached March 5th, 2016 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
Scripture: Joel 2 What if invaders attacked every beach, forest, tulip field, and town in Skagit county. Squadrons of growlers are unable to stop this enemy which devours everything that is green and beautiful, turning the chewed up real estate into a treeless, hot, parched desert such as California’s Death Valley. Today’s Bible study of…
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7 “Empowered for Life!!!!” by Brenda Price, preached February 20th, 2016 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington