This Sabbath Clark Roberts is our guest speaker. Clark Roberts lost his ability to see at age 24. What was once devastating is now motivating. Come and be inspired by Clark’s story and insight. “Ultimate Vision” preached by Clark Roberts on April 22nd, 2023 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
As we reflect on the joyous occasion of Easter and the incredible gift of Christ’s resurrection, let us consider the profound implications of the final phrase of the 23rd Psalm: “I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” This Easter, let us rejoice and worship in the knowledge that our “Forever” home is…
In Christ, all the fullness of the Godhead resides. When Christ is formed in us, we become vessels overflowing with God himself. The indwelling of God brings with it the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Spirit. This means that we are constantly experiencing the goodness and mercy of God. In our daily lives,…
“When I come to the Lord’s Table and partake of the communion service which is a feast of thanksgiving for His love and care, do I fully appreciate what it has cost Him to prepare this table for me?” — Phillip Keller Let’s take a closer look through the lens of the 23rd Psalm to…
Ever since the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, humanity has been searching for the perfect kingdom. The Hebrew nation was no different – they too desired a government different than God had provided, and asked for a king so that they might be like all the other nations (1 Samuel 8:4-22). In…
From Scripture, we discover that God is love. It is the essence of who God is. We also learn that His love is bigger than the Universe. Bigger than two septillion stars. It would stand to reason then, that His compassion, the expression of His love, would also be deeper, wider, and fuller than any…
In life, it seems that craziness is all around us. Not only does God promise to provide green pastures and cool waters for us, but He promised to do more. He promised to restore our souls and direct our paths. Join us on this journey as we continue to explore Psalm 23. Scripture: Psalm 23…
In the 23rd Psalm, we read that the Good Shepherd makes us lie down in green pastures. Sheep will only lie down if they are not fearful, have no strife in the flock, are not bothered by pests, and are not hungry. The reality is that in order for this to happen the Shepherd must…
We are all God’s children. Therefore, there can be no true racial reconciliation without God. “Can We All Just Get Along” preached by Daryl Hamilton-Manier on February 18th, 2023 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
Scripture reminds us in the “Shepherd Psalm” that the LORD, or Yahweh, is our caretaker. And because of that truth, we want for nothing. Yet it may go deeper than that. Could it be that with Yahweh as our caretaker, we can be content in whatever situation or circumstance we find ourselves in? Could it…