Welcome to the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church Christmas Service for 2022! May the Lord bless you and keep you.May the Lord smile down on you and show you his kindness.May the Lord answer your prayers and give you peace. — From our family to yours!
Faith, what is it and how is it received? Is it just another form of works? Can it be built up like your muscles in a gym? Here are the 3 key points:1) It is in our weakness that we find our strength. 2) Faith in God is not received by God’s people building it…
Many times we humans forget that Salvation is a “GIFT”. We forget that Salvation began in a manger and ended on a cross. Reality however, shows the miserable state of man without Christ. Humanity is vile, deformed, and leprous with sin. Jesus, and only Jesus can rescue us from the penalty of our sinful state.…
Please join us for a special and traditional Thanksgiving Potluck after our worship service (Bible Study starts at 10am, Worship Service at 11am). Thanksgiving Program 2022 on November 19th, 2022 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
You will either learn to manage money, or the lack of it will manage YOU. Many are surprised to discover that the Bible has a lot to say about money, and if there was ever a time to learn how to manage money, it is NOW! Today, 7 out of 10 Americans are living paycheck…
The concept of Stewardship is as old as earth itself. From the ancient past to the present, God asks humanity to Steward His possessions. We often forget that we have this responsibility. Sin makes us think that everything belongs to us. Join us in person or online as we explore the Biblical truth of Stewardship…
Come and be blessed by our young people as they lead our worship service from start to finish! “Kids Sabbath” preached by MVSDA Kids on October 29th, 2022 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
Everyone has a belief system, including Christians. But many of the things that Christians believe are repeatedly mocked and ridiculed by the secular world. As true believers we must stand firm in our beliefs, regardless of what the world may say or do. Scripture: Matthew 12:40; 2 Timothy 3:16; Ecclesiastes 1:9; Mark 10:6; Matthew 19:4…
History tends to repeat itself. So do people. Our habits tend to define us. What about our worship? Does worship simply become a habit or is it alive and growing? In history past, worship became dictated by a political/religious power. What about the future? Join us as we explore how this past political and religious power…
Today, as in ancient times, our society seems to be spinning out of control. In the confusion, God is weighing our action and reaction to both positive and negative events. In the end, when our last day comes, God will weigh our life and make the determination, “Are we in Balance or are we Wanting?”…