Take a look at the Nativity… What do you see? Mary, baby Jesus, donkey, sheep, shepherds, hay, Wisemen. Do you see anything else? In the corner to the side of Mary. Do you see “Him?” So often we run past Joseph on our way to the manger. He is all too often forgotten in the…
We are so glad you are joining us today! Our congregation is currently serving the homeless living in their cars with showers, clothing, food, prayer, minor car services and more. Please enjoy this pre-recorded sermon by Pastor Don Bryan. Jesus stated in John 14:12 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me,…
This message will present five reasons God is love and how that love was demonstrated at the cross! You will have a life changing encounter with Jesus and the power of the cross! Don’t miss out! Scripture: Romans 5:6-10 “Power of the Cross” preached by Nemaia Faletogo on November 26th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon…
Jesus has called us to LOVE like Him, WALK like Him and WORK like Him. If we truly receive this injunction and surrender to His plan and receive the Holy Spirit, then all the things we read about Jesus doing, are acts of mercy we will be doing. Not for our fame, but as a…
Join us as Aubrey Fautheree and Skagit Adventist Academy students share “Just a Glimpse” into how God has been at work in our lives. “Just a Glimpse” preached by Aubrey Fautheree on November 6th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington
Please join us this sabbath as we enjoy our youth leading out in a spirit filled service. We will have special music features, a piano solo, a flute solo, a sermonette, a skit, children’s story and prayer. “Kids Youth Sabbath” preached by the Children Ministry Team on October 30th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day…
Jesus was often accused of being a “Party Animal”! Really, the religious leaders thought he should fast and pray like them and Jesus wanted to be in relationship with the ones He came to save. Many times Jesus used dinners and feasts as metaphors for His kingdom. At the end of the book, Jesus invites…
Did you know that the job description of being a disciple of Jesus is only two lines long? Bet you thought it was more complicated than that, huh? Come hear and be reminded of how simple Jesus makes it to know Him and make Him known. Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 “Goin’ Fishing” preached by Craig Carr…
Scripture plainly tells to “Walk like Jesus.” In other words, are we loving God and loving others. What practical ways do I love God and love others?Join us for a discussion on this Biblical injunction Scripture: 1 John 2:3-6, Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31,36, Romans 13:8,10, Galatians 5:14 “Walking Like Jesus” preached by Pastor Don Bryan…
God calls each of us to Love God and Love Others. In other words, God wants you and I to be a “Safe” place a “Safe” person for others to experience the Love of God. We can only be safe people or provide a safe place as we allow God’s Spirit to make us into…