Drifting is a nautical term that describes a boat being drawn off course by a current. While piloting a ship, the skipper must take care to compensate for the effects of current by adjusting his course and speed in order to arrive safely at the rendezvous point and avoid being dashed against the rocks along…
The Gospel Story is the “Scarlet Thread” that runs through the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation the idea that God will/is/or has redeemed humanity is central to the narrative. Join us as we pray, worship and celebrate the good news of the Gospel Scripture: Matthew 24:14, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 6-8, Genesis 12:3, John 3:16, Genesis…
The Gospel – The Good News of scripture is that Jesus came down to live among us, die in our place on the Cross, was in the grave three days and then rose to new life, gaining the victory over sin for all people. He then ascended to the Father and has promised to come…
Welcome to the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church Christmas Eve Service for 2021!
Do you desire to be loved unconditionally? Is your heart longing to be “searched for” or “rescued” out of this dying world?If I could give you a 100% guarantee for “the way of success in the conflict with sin and the development of Christian character” would you be interested?And if you could start living in…
Take a look at the Nativity… What do you see? Mary, baby Jesus, donkey, sheep, shepherds, hay, Wisemen. Do you see anything else? In the corner to the side of Mary. Do you see “Him?” So often we run past Joseph on our way to the manger. He is all too often forgotten in the…
We are so glad you are joining us today! Our congregation is currently serving the homeless living in their cars with showers, clothing, food, prayer, minor car services and more. Please enjoy this pre-recorded sermon by Pastor Don Bryan. Jesus stated in John 14:12 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me,…
This message will present five reasons God is love and how that love was demonstrated at the cross! You will have a life changing encounter with Jesus and the power of the cross! Don’t miss out! Scripture: Romans 5:6-10 “Power of the Cross” preached by Nemaia Faletogo on November 26th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon…
Jesus has called us to LOVE like Him, WALK like Him and WORK like Him. If we truly receive this injunction and surrender to His plan and receive the Holy Spirit, then all the things we read about Jesus doing, are acts of mercy we will be doing. Not for our fame, but as a…
Join us as Aubrey Fautheree and Skagit Adventist Academy students share “Just a Glimpse” into how God has been at work in our lives. “Just a Glimpse” preached by Aubrey Fautheree on November 6th, 2021 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington