Sermons on Weekly Sermons (Page 3)


“2024-Sept-21” preached by Roger Coon on 2024-Sept-21 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington YouTube Part 1: Part 2: License #1334418Facebook Event URL:

The Mark Vs. The Seal

Keywords/Tags: Love, Mercy, Grace, Longsuffering, forgiveness, Character, Beast, Mark, Seal, Scripture talks about The Seal and God and the Mark of the Beast. These are apocalyptic terms used to describe the last two groups of people alive at the coming of Christ.  The understanding of what these might actually be have range from computer chips to…


DESCRIPTION Scripture: SCRIPTURE “2024-Sept-7” preached by Roger Coon on 2024-Sept-7 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:


2024-Aug-31 2024-Aug-31 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL:

Dining with the Divine Part 2

Dining with the DivineEating with others can have many benefits for physical and mental health, and can strengthen relationships. It is Amazing how God loves to dine with His creation. From the beginning, man was made for fellowship with God and food/eating seems to be the method used to develop and strengthen these relationships.  The ultimate…

Dining with the Divine

Dining with the DivineEating with others can have many benefits for physical and mental health, and can strengthen relationships. It is Amazing how God loves to dine with His creation. From the beginning, man was made for fellowship with God and food/eating seems to be the method used to develop and strengthen these relationships.  The ultimate…


2024-July-20 Scripture: 2024-July-20 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington CCLI License #1334418Facebook Event URL: