"church" Tagged Sermons (Page 8)

What’s the point?

What is your life’s purpose? What was God thinking when he created you? Does He still call people today, or is that just something that happens only for pastors? Join us as we explore these questions and search for answers through the life and person of Isaiah. Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8; Isaiah 43:1,2, 7, 10,11; Isaiah 44:6-8 “What’s the…

Our Pursuing Father

From Genesis to Revelation a picture emerges that is both compelling and astonishing. The Creator of the Universe is also our Father. Our Father never gives up! He will not stop pursuing us, his children, even if we hate him and nail him to a cross. When we walked away, he drew closer. When we…

Our Father

Our Father, the familiar beginning of the Lord’s Prayer, has world changing implications. If God is our Father, then who are “we?” If we are the children of God, then what authority has He given us on Earth, and how do we wield that authority? How do we usher in the Kingdom of our Father,…

When God is Born

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was living an ordinary life, going about her daily routines, preparing for her marriage that had likely been prearranged. An encounter with God changed all of that. Right in the middle of Mary’s carefully planned life, God sent the angel Gabriel with a greeting and a message. The greeting? “Good morning! You’re…

Christmas Program 2017

A Christmas program featuring the Skagit Youth Ensemble, Byron Schurch on guitar, story called “Chinese Haircut,” and an appeal for compassion by Lorraine McCormick. Scripture: Luke 2 “Christmas Program” preached by Pastor John K McGhee on December 16th, 2017 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington

Adventist World Radio

Want to hear some amazing miracle stories from places where only a radio signal can go to share Good New? You’ll enjoy this mission presentation. Scripture: Matthew 24, Matthew 28:16-20 “Adventist World Radio” preached by Mark Threthewey on October 28th, 2017 at the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington

Odds of Survival

Make no mistake.  If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you live near survivalists.  You may not see them.  But they are there.  Somewhere.  Close.  Can we learn anything from “Preppers?” Are their odds of survival better than yours if Mount Rainier explodes, a giant tsunami hits, or North Korea attacks? This sermon will answer…