Sermons on Weekly Sermons (Page 20)

The Sanctuary – Part 1

In the sanctuary service, God met His people were they were. In a world hopelessly marred by sin and after spending over 400 years in physical slavery to Egypt, the Lord redeemed His people and in the sanctuary service He enlarged their understanding of salvation.  Fully a third of Exodus is devoted to the organization…

Christmas Program 2020

We Wish You a Merry Christmas Beginners Welcome & Prayer Pastor Don Away In a Manger Daniel Vargas Silent Night Daniel Vargas A Perfect Gift for Christmas Bella Long Mary’s Boy Child Ashley Nelson The Meaning of Christmas Ashley Nelson O Holy Night Daira Vargas O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Daira Vargas God Rest Ye…

The Silence is Broken!

Between the Old and New Testaments there was over 400 years of silence. All seemed lost. Religion had lost its draw. At just the right time God sent His Son to break the silence. Yet only the humble, the meek, the seekers were the ones who heard the voice of God in the silence. Scripture:…

Almost Thou Persuadest Me

Everyone has a story to share. God’s transforming work in the lives of individuals is the most compelling evidence of His existence.  A life that is melted and molded under the influence of the Holy Spirit is an evangelistic sermon all on its own. Get ready to share your story, your testimony.  Scripture: John 4:39;…

Starting with the End in Mind

Jesus’ life was the only life lived backwards. He came to die. So in fact he lived in the shadow of the Cross. Scripture: Matthew 1:21; Luke 19:10; Luke 5:32; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 4:14; Luke 22:15-16 “Starting with the End in Mind” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on November 13th, 2020 at the…