"humble" Tagged Sermons

The Silence is Broken!

Between the Old and New Testaments there was over 400 years of silence. All seemed lost. Religion had lost its draw. At just the right time God sent His Son to break the silence. Yet only the humble, the meek, the seekers were the ones who heard the voice of God in the silence. Scripture:…

If My People Pray: Part 2

Personal and corporate revitalization requires nothing less than the creative power of God. As the Paralytic of Luke chapter 5 discovered, Christ’s healing included both the soul and the body. Spiritual healing was followed by physical restoration. The is true for us today. Join us in our journey of discovery this Sabbath. Scripture: 2 Chronicles…

If My People Pray – Part 1

Where does one begin when considering personal and Corporate revival? Scripture tells us to start with Prayer. Join us as we look into the importance of coming to Jesus in Prayer. Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My People Pray – Part 1” preached by Pastor Don Bryan on April 18th, 2020 at the Mount Vernon…


I was a classic Mr. goody-two-shoes who was selfish, arrogant, boastful, two-faced, disrespectful, and addicted to power. But I thought I was the teacher’s pet who was almost perfect, loyal, & courageous.  NOT! In 50 days I became humble, teachable, loveable, prayerful, loyal, devoted, and Spirit-filled. I finally knew who I was.  There was no…

Revival Prayers

Have you ever eaten cake with the Lord? Do you know where the world’s most significant battle ground is located? What does the Hebrew word “chayah” mean? Find out how you can start a genuine revival. In what way are you like a snow leopard? Did Jesus die during Passover or Easter? How many years…